Have you been wondering if you can get dental coverage under Obama Care? Sorry, unless you’re a child — not in California; at least not the first year.
A frequent tax strategy question is whether investing for tax-free or taxable interest is better. Generally, taxable interest will provide the greater return, but this may not hold true after [...]
As we draw closer to 2014, the media continues to increase their coverage on the Affordable Care Act and how this round of implementations will affect people.
We are looking for a network specialist with education and experience working with a small network of computers including their software, printers, and scanners.
As we near the end of the Government’s fiscal year (September 30, 2013), a new wave of I-9 Audit Notices of Inspection and administrative subpoenas have been received by businesses during the [...]
If you could not complete your 2012 tax return by the normal April filing due date, and are now on extension, the deadline for all April 15 tax return extensions is October 15, 2013, and there [...]
Time is running out! If your company is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, you should provide a written notice to your employees – a notice of health care coverage options and the [...]
Beginning in 2014 the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (the health care legislation sometimes known as Obama Care) will impose the new requirement that U.S. persons, with certain [...]
On July 11, 2013, Governor Brown signed AB 93 and SB 90 into law in an effort to bolster California’s business climate and put Californians to work. This new law replaces the California [...]